Saturday 2 August 2014

So I've finished my Holistic Nutrition what?

This past year I bit the bullet and went back to school to study to become a Holistic Nutritionist. For me this was the epitome of self indulgence - it meant much less available time to focus on my family and friends and a huge hit financially with tuition, books, and lost wages. But I had to do it! Nutrition is my passion and I was in fact planning on going to school to be a Registered Dietitian right out of high school, but life happened and my direction changed so that I did not have to move away from the boy who eventually become my husband. I am happy with the path my life took and we have made a beautiful life for ourselves and our daughter. Increasingly though it became clear to me that my passion for nutrition had not died, I was reading every book I could about the subject of health and wellness, and my family were my lab rats as I tried different diets, recipes and foods. My father passed away from cancer so that led me to find any information I could about protecting ourselves from cancer. My father-in-law has cardiovascular issues, how could I change how we ate to protect our hearts? My daughter has anxiety and ADHD, what could I feed her to help with her brain health? There is so much information about food and health available but I was confused as much of it is unclear - one article says don't eat eggs - the next says eggs are good for you! My quest for knowledge led me to The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN) and fingers crossed my exam results will come back in a few weeks indicating that I passed, that I am an RHN and able to share my knowledge with others!

So as I wait until a few weeks from now, I will enjoy the freedom of not having coursework to do and spend time keeping my lab rats fed.

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